Our Community


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Every Gift Matters.
Are you in?

The AISB Fund. Every donation matters. Every student benefits.
As a nonprofit school, 100% of tuition, fees, and donations support our mission to empower learners to build their futures and contribute to a better world. The AISB Fund is a way for our entire community to give back to the school on an annual basis. Charitable donations are used to invest in the future of education and realize new opportunities.  

Charitable donations provide financial support above and beyond the annual operating budget. Generous support from the community will be used to enhance and accelerate investments in the future of the school.

Specifically, donations to the 2024-25 AISB Fund will accelerate investments in:

  • Innovation & STEAM 
    Building and outfitting an outdoor Makerspace in the Elementary School and investing in third generation 3D Printers and upgrades to the Black Box theater lights, which would impact students across Middle and High School.
  • Athletics
    Establishing a sports training program that offers off-season training opportunities in swimming, soccer, volleyball, running and strength and conditioning. 

    We appreciate annual donations of all sizes and participation at any level. Together, your donations will add up to have a significant impact.

Ways To Give

You may make a gift in the following ways:

  • Credit or Debit Card

Click here to donate via credit or debit card in US dollars (USD$)

Please note, gift made to the link above are not tax-deductible in the United States.

  • Point of Sale (PoS)

To make a gift via credit or debit card in Hungarian forint (HUF), you can visit the Finance Office in Building B of AISB’s campus.

  • Tax-Deductible Gifts for US Taxpayers

Please email us at giving@aisb.hu for more information about how you can make a tax-deductible gift via bank transfer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is AISB asking for donations?

As an independent, nonprofit school, AISB is driven by our mission and core values to empower learners to build their futures and contribute to a better world. Charitable donations provide financial support above and beyond the annual operating budget. Generous support from the community will be used to enhance and accelerate investments in the future of the school.

How will donations to AISB be used?

Donations will be used to invest in the future of education and realize new opportunities that are not possible with tuition and fees alone. Specifically, gifts from our supporters will be used to enrich educational and extracurricular programming, enhance facilities, and provide immediate resources that enable our students and faculty to thrive.

Why is AISB beginning to fundraise now?

In the Fall of 2023, AISB completed a planning exercise with the support of a leading international consultancy firm to gauge reaction to our funding priorities, assess our ability to conduct a significant fundraising initiative, and develop the most effective strategies for moving forward. As a result of this planning phase, the School Director and Board have endorsed a plan to begin fundraising. Like other leading nonprofit schools, AISB aims to build a culture of giving that will ensure we remain an internationally-recognized leader for our outstanding students, exceptional faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and rich, challenging programs.

Why not increase tuition instead of fundraising?

We are proud to have a diverse community of families at AISB. Our school’s leadership are aware of the impact of inflation and rising costs on our families and their companies. Each year, tuition and fees are invested directly in providing an exceptional educational program that is the cornerstone of an AISB experience. Fundraising will allow AISB to invest in key areas that take the school to the next level, while seeking to minimize the impact of increased tuition and fees on our families and their companies.

Who will be asked for a donation? How much will you ask for?

AISB wants everyone in our community to be a supporter of the school. Therefore, we will ask parents, faculty and staff, and friends. We will ask each supporter to make a meaningful donation that is at a level that is right for them and their family. We appreciate donations of all sizes and participation at any level is an investment in our students and their role in contributing to a better world.

I cannot give much. Do small donations really make a difference?

Yes! All donations make a difference. Collectively, your support – along with many others – can have a transformational impact on our school.

I support other charitable causes. Why should I support AISB?

Giving is a very personal decision, which has the ability to impact many important causes. As you think about your family’s philanthropic priorities, we hope that you will consider AISB as one of them. Empowering learners to contribute to a better world has never been more essential. Your support for AISB will directly benefit our students as they become global citizens and make a positive impact throughout their lives.

How much is AISB seeking to raise?

Our focus is on building a culture of giving at AISB. For this reason, the school’s first goal is increasing participation in charitable giving rather than a minimum financial amount. Over the next three to five years, as we build our base of supporters, we will also invite donors who have expressed an interest in funding our strategic priorities to make significant, targeted investments. If you are interested in learning more about these opportunities, please email us at giving@aisb.hu.



Watch our newly recorded interviews, teachers and students share their feedback...

Meet Lola
Meet Matthew
Meet Hubi
Meet Dana
Diploma Pathways
Meet Jessica
Rock Band Festival
Pathways Summit
Forest Walk & Outdoor Learning
Meet Brett