Joining Us

How to Apply

Join Us at AISB

We’re thrilled that you’re considering becoming part of our AISB community!

To embark on your journey with us, please complete our inquiry form. 

This initial step will kickstart your exploration process and seamlessly transition into your application portal. Once you submit your inquiry, one of our Admissions team will contact you. You will also receive a login email for your personalized Admissions Portal, where you can access all the information needed to start, and hopefully;  complete your application. We look forward to welcoming you to the AISB community!

Inquiry Application

Application Process at AISB

The application process at AISB is a tailored and thorough journey designed to ensure that both the school and families find the best mutual fit.

From your Admissions Portal, you can easily navigate through the application steps. This portal will also serve as your primary communication channel for updates on admissions stages and decisions, so we encourage you to check it regularly.

Admissions Calendar

AISB operates on a year-round rolling Admissions Policy, allowing students to be admitted throughout the year. Please note that the latest start date for new students is the first week of May of the joining school year.

Below, you'll find approximate timings for our Admissions calendar, along with a short film from our AISB community. We look forward to getting to know your community and wish you all the best throughout this process.

Currently, we are accepting applications for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school years.

Preparing Your Application

To ensure a smooth application experience, please gather all necessary forms and documents before filling out the online application. A list of required documents is provided below for your convenience.

An application fee of $650 is required with each application for processing. This payment can be made online during the application process.

Due to the high demand for spaces, we recommend completing your application as soon as you make your decision. Only complete applications can be considered.

Your Application Steps

Complete Your Online Application

Start by filling out our Online Application and attaching the required forms and documents in the relevant sections.

Application Processing

Once your online application is complete and all required documents are submitted, your file will be reviewed by the Admissions Committee. AISB aims to complete this review as quickly as possible.

Decision Notification

You will receive notifications regarding acceptance, waitlist status, or denial through your Admissions Portal. If accepted, follow the instructions in your acceptance letter to confirm your place via the Enrollment Portal.

Decision Confirmation

A non-refundable $1,000 Registration Fee is required to secure your child’s spot at AISB. All families must return a signed copy of the Enrollment Agreement before starting school.

Document Submission

Ensure you have all necessary documents ready to upload in the attachments section of your application.

Required Documents Include:

  • Medical Examination and History Form
  • Confidential Student Reference Forms (Early Childhood, Grades 1-5, Grades 6-12)
  • Parent Questionnaires (Early Childhood, Grades 1-5)
  • EAL sheet for students in Grades 1-5 whose first language is not English
  • Copy of original school records for the last three years (with English translation if necessary)
  • Copy of child’s passport and birth certificate
  • Official immunization records (in English)
  • For Hungarian students: Copy of Social Insurance Card (TAJ kártya) and Address Card (Lakcímkártya)
  • Any special education documentation or psychologist’s opinion (if applicable)

We wish you all the best with your application! If you have any questions or need assistance during this process, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Admissions team. 

Admissions Policy

In keeping with the school's Mission, Vision, and Values, candidates will be eligible for admission at AISB based on:

  • The student's potential to benefit from the educational services available
  • The capacity of the school to meet the educational needs of the student
  • The extent to which the student’s admission enables the school to maintain both diversity and appropriate strength of its English-language learning environment

Cultural diversity within an English-language learning environment is a defining characteristic of AISB. These are fundamental to our school's educational approach and goals.

  • Nationality Cap

To preserve the international character of our student body, no country will be represented by more than 20 percent of the student body per grade.

English Language Requirements

The School accepts students with no previous experience of English from Early Childhood 3 to Grade 6. The school requires an English Language Assessment for Grade 6 students to ensure availability within our English as an Additional Language (EAL) support.

In Grades 7 through 12, candidates must demonstrate increasing levels of language proficiency, as determined by an English Language Assessment administered at the school.

  • English as an Additional Language (EAL) Cap

To ensure effective support for EAL students and to protect the English-language learning environment in all classrooms, EAL admissions will be capped at a maximum of 30 per cent per grade.

Class Size & Waiting Pool

The school operates a year-round rolling admissions policy based on the following limits to class sizes:

GradesClass Size
Early Childhood (3 and 4-year-olds)16
Kindergarten (5-year-olds)  18
Grades 1-5 20
Grades 6-820
Grades 9-1220

Once a grade level has been filled, qualified applicants are placed in a waiting pool. Entry to the waiting pool requires fullfilment of all application requirements, including payment of the application fee.

Grade Level Comparisons to Other School Systems

EC 3Early Years 1-KindergartenKindergartenKindergarten
EC 4Early Years 2-KindergartenKindergartenKindergarten
Kindergarten Year 1PKKindergarten Kindergarten Kindergarten
Grade 1Year 2PYP 1Grade 1Primary 1Primary 1
Grade 2Year 3PYP 2Grade 2Primary 2Primary 2
Grade 3Year 4PYP 3Grade 3Primary 3Primary 3
Grade 4Year 5PYP 4Grade 4Primary 4Primary 4
Grade 5Year 6PYP 5Grade 5Primary 5Primary 5
Grade 6Year 7MYP 1Grade 6Primary 6Primary 6
Grade 7Year 8MYP 2Grade 7Junior High 1Junior Secondary 1
Grade 8Year 9MYP 3Grade 8Junior High 2Junior Secondary 2
Grade 9Year 10MYP 4Grade 9Junior High 3Junior Secondary 3
Grade 10Year 11MYP 5Grade 10Senior High 1Senior Secondary 1
Grade 11Year 12DP 1Grade 11Senior High 2Senior Secondary 2
Grade 12Year 13DP 2Grade 12Senior High 3Senior Secondary 3

Entrance Age

Students are eligible to begin Early Childhood 3 if they are three (3) years old on or before September 1 of the same academic year. Children who have their 3rd birthday between September 1, 2025 -March 1, 2026 can apply for early enrollment in our EC 3 grade. If accepted, they would start attending AISB from the day they turn three years old.

Students are eligible to begin Early Childhood 4 if they are four (4) years old on or before September 1 of the same academic year. 

Students are eligible to begin Kindergarten if they are five (5) years old on or before September 1 of the same academic year. 

Students are eligible to enter first grade if they are six (6) years old on or before September 1 of the same academic year. 

At the discretion of the Director, an exception to the above age eligibility requirements may be made for a student relocating from an accredited school. The admissions decision would be based on a review of the student’s school records and an entrance assessment.

Students for other grade levels are placed in grades that most nearly approach the age for the student, taking into account his or her academic history as well. 

Students who follow a January to December school year will be enrolled in the grade level last completed. In all cases, the student’s likelihood of academic success will be a key factor in the decision-making process.

Students applying for admission to the High School program must demonstrate the potential to graduate before they reach 20 years of age.

Learning Support Needs

AISB admits students with limited learning needs, problems or disabilities within the guidelines listed in its admissions policy. Students may spend up to 30% of their time within the learning support program.

Additional information is required to assess whether our school can meet the academic needs of the applicant. This includes evaluations, IEPs and school referrals.

School Visit Protocol

Interested students and families are warmly invited to arrange a School Visit.

In order to schedule a school tour, please first complete our inquiry form. You can find it here. When filling in the inquiry form, you may indicate if you would like to book a school visit.

Our Admissions colleagues will contact you directly to set up a time and date for your visit.

For any questions please contact

While you are at our school, please do not take photographs. We are happy to provide you with stock images of our facilities for your sharing. Thank you for your cooperation.

AISB GradeAge before 09/01Birth DateUK

Early Childhood 3

(ES- Early Childhood)

3Sept 2 2021- Sep 1 2022Nursery

Early Childhood 4

(ES- Early Childhood)

4Sept 2 2020 - Sep 1 2021Reception


(ES- Early Childhood)

5Sept 2 2019 - Sep 1 2020Year
Grade 1 (ES)6Sept 2 2018 - Sep 1 2019Year 1
Grade 2 (ES)7Sept 2 2017 - Sep 1 2018Year 2
Grade 3 (ES) 8Sept 2 2016 - Sep 1 2017Year 3
Grade 4 (ES)9Sept 2 2015 - Sep 1 2016Year 4
Grade 5 (ES)10Sept 2 2014 - Sep 1 2015Year 5
Grade 6 (MS)11Sept 2 2013 - Sep 1 2014Year 6
Grade 7 (MS)12Sept 2 2012 - Sep 1 2013Year 7 (Secondary)
Grade 8 (MS)13Sept 2 2011 - Sep 1 2012Year 8
Grade 9 (HS)14Sept 2 2010 - Sep 1 2011Year 9 
Grade 10 (HS)15Sept 2 2009 - Sep 1 2010Year 10 (GCSE)
Grade 11 (IB)16Sept 2 2008 - Sep 1 2009Year 11 (GCSE)
Grade 12 (IB)17Sept 2 2007 - Sep 1 2008Year 12 (A-Level/IB)

The grade into which a child can be accepted will depend on a variety of factors, including age, academic readiness, and individual needs, and will be determined at the discretion of the Admissions Committee.

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Future ready, today.
All the best with your application to AISB!



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Meet Hubi
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Rock Band Festival
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