
High School

Ages 14 to 18

Global Citizenship
Future ready

Welcome to AISB High School!

At AISB, we provide rigorous and relevant learning experiences designed to help students explore their passions and interests, transforming their curiosity into knowledge and skills that lead to meaningful contributions to the world.

Our students engage in a diverse curriculum that includes courses in English, world languages, social studies, science, mathematics, visual and performing arts, physical education, and various electives, including online options. Creativity, Action & Service (CAS) is a graduation requirement that is integrated throughout the high school experience.

The cultural diversity within our school enriches discussions and allows students to approach issues and ideas from multiple perspectives. Technology is woven into the fabric of our curriculum, enhancing 21st-century learning skills such as creativity, communication, and collaboration.

Students at AISB can pursue one of three diplomas: the American High School (AISB) Diploma, the Global Impact Diploma, or the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma. In addition to their academic studies, students can participate in Student Council, Model United Nations, CAS activities, after-school programs, and service learning initiatives to create a well-rounded high school experience.

To find out more about our rich High School program, please click below.

Program of Studies

High School Profile 2024-2025 (pdf)

Diploma Options at AISB

At AISB, students have three pathways to achieve their high school diploma:

  • AISB (US High School) Diploma
  • Global Impact Diploma (GID)
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma

To earn the AISB Diploma, students must demonstrate proficiency in essential literacy, numeracy, communication, and critical thinking skills while completing the required coursework. In addition to the AISB Diploma requirements, students can pursue the Global Impact Diploma by engaging in specific innovation courses and specialized experiences that encourage them to explore their purpose, solve real-world problems, and contribute meaningfully beyond the classroom.

The IB Diploma is awarded to students who successfully complete the rigorous IB requirements, which include six classes—at least three of which must be studied at a higher level—as well as fulfilling the IB Core requirements: Creativity, Action & Service (CAS), Extended Essay (EE), and Theory of Knowledge (TOK).

To find out more about our rich High School program, please follow the buttons here:

Personalized Learning Options International Baccalaureate Diploma  Global Impact Diploma

High School Courses



In our English courses, students delve into both literary and non-literary texts to enhance their literacy and critical thinking skills. These classes encourage students to explore the world from diverse perspectives, fostering self-discovery and personal growth. By organizing their thoughts, students learn to communicate clearly and confidently across various contexts.

World Languages

World Languages

Our world language courses are designed to empower students to communicate with confidence, fostering connections and expanding their understanding of the world. Language learning is a vital component of developing intercultural competence in today’s increasingly globalized society.

Social Studies

Social Studies

The Social Studies curriculum encompasses a range of disciplines, including history, economics, geography, civics, psychology, business, and environmental systems and societies. Through this diverse content, students build an informed and balanced perspective on our interconnected world and its citizens.



In Science classes, students engage their curiosity as they seek to understand natural phenomena. They are encouraged to ask questions, think critically, and embrace their roles as responsible global citizens in an ever-evolving and complex world.



Mathematics courses at AISB focus on developing problem-solving skills while helping students connect seemingly distinct areas of the subject. Through extended problems and projects, students explore real-world applications of math concepts. Our integrated curriculum covers algebra, functions, modeling, geometry, statistics, and probability.

Arts, Tech and Design

Arts, Tech and Design

Students have access to a wide array of options in visual and performing arts as well as technology and design. From rock band to photography to theatre studies, students develop in-depth skills in at least one art form while appreciating how the arts express human experiences. Additionally, they can pursue studies in programming and design technology, leveraging design thinking to create and test solutions for various needs.

Physical and Health Education

Physical and Health Education

In our Physical and Health Education program, students are encouraged to strive for their personal best by applying effort, collaborating with peers, and developing their sports skills and fitness levels. All students are required to take a PE class in grades 9 and 10, with additional Lifetime Fitness classes available for grades 11 and 12.

Language and Learning Support

Language and Learning Support

AISB is committed to providing tailored support through our English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Learning Support Services (LSS) specialists. These services are designed to differentiate learning, enabling each student to achieve their academic and social potential. Our EAL program empowers English language learners to thrive both academically and socially within our international school environment. Meanwhile, LSS assists students with documented needs by enhancing their learning, organizational, and study skills.

Personalised Learning Options

Personalised Learning Options

In alignment with our vision to empower learners to be “future ready, today,” AISB offers personalized learning options by partnering with top-tier educational organizations and providing structures that foster student success. 

To discover more about our Personalized Learning Options, please click the link above.


Diploma Options

Diploma Options

Students at AISB have three options to achieve their high school diploma: 

  1. AISB (US High School) Diploma
  2. Global Impact Diploma (GID)
  3. International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma


Watch our newly recorded interviews, teachers and students share their feedback...

Meet Lola
Meet Matthew
Meet Hubi
Meet Dana
Diploma Pathways
Meet Jessica
Rock Band Festival
Pathways Summit
Forest Walk & Outdoor Learning
Meet Brett